
Our Values

Supporting designer and independent eyewear brands is fundamental to our identity and values. Coming from a family of Optometrists we understand the huge effort and dedication it takes to maintain an independent business, especially in the eyewear market, where competition, big corporations and chains have a lot of power. We believe in supporting niche brands, ruled by creative and passionate people with a strong identity and a personal story behind. 

We are the anti-mainstream brigade and we are not afraid to say it.

Our dad, when he founded the business back in 1982.

Our dad, when he founded the business back in 1982. 

Our Product

All of our products are handmade and carefully designed by creatives and artisans. Made by people with a little help from machinery, not by machinery with a little help from people. 

There’s a significant difference between mass-produced eyewear and a genuinely handcrafted frame. Once you embark on this journey with us, you’ll start to discern the difference as well. Get to know your eyewear.

Our Partners

Frames Curated By exclusively partners with independent brands. Brands with a strong identity and heritage. Frames Curated By selects only 100% handmade eyewear, produced entirely in Europe or Japan. We take pride in partnering with brands that we love and believe in. Brands that support and preserve the traditions and expertise of real artisans, whose work we strongly value and respect.